Thursday 31 January 2013



My heart is filled with joy as I write this article, I have experienced  something new, something remarkable, something heart warming and totally a blessing to me. I had the privilege of spending time with the new gospel couple to be launched on the 23rd of February, oh yes and I'm the first to interview the couple before the big day*high five to me*. It is an honour to introduce Thabo and Thando Mpowa, who will be releasing their debut album mid February.

The first day I walked in at the rehearsal venue I felt warmth, I felt like I was around my family and the atmosphere was spirit reviving, it made you feel like you at the right place with the right people. That just got me so excited all I could think of was " this is how I would like to feel everyday". There was something different about this rehearsal and I told myself I'm sticking around till I figure it out.

Thabo Mpowa walked in, a man who is well built and looks very commanding, my thought at that time*here comes the boss* and to my surprise he was the opposite of how he looks*never judge  book by its cover*. He came in greeted everyone including me,by the way I think I was the only visitor* well at least that's what I thought* after doing his greetings he summoned everyone to grab a chair and sit down cause he had something to say. I  go to rehearsals and in my mind I thought  here comes the thank you guys for coming speech,
to my surprise Thabo pulls out the bible and he starts sharing the word*OK this is new*, then started intersession, I'm not talking about short payer before we start, I mean the church type of intersession , where you get in the spirit and connect with God. This rehearsal was gonna be awesome I felt it.

After inviting the Holy spirit, it was time to get down to business band all connected started to catch on with the songs, for people who met for the first time  that day, they really sounded good. I do not know whether to give credit to the Music Director or Thabo and Thando for bring these guys on board, but the music was sounding really good and very different from your  typical new comer album, this one is just different. The band, the backing vocals, wow this going to be a great recording.

During lunch I had a chance to speak to the couple and find out how they feeling and if all is going well.
But first I had to grab something before our interview and to my surprise there was catering,serve yourself type of set up and as usual the band kept going back for more till they could not eat, one even said "I'm not use to this kind of treatment and I shall eat till I cant eat anymore,shoo thank you no kfc this time.If you treat people like this making them happy surely they gonna do their best to make sure this recording sounds melodious. They were happy!

I didn't want to get into too much detail about Thabo as a singer since he has done it for many years but rather I focused on them as a couple.
While we were chatting I felt the passion, I felt the zeal, the drive , the thrill but most of all the calling within them. Mrs Mpowa was the one sharing the emotions for both her and her husband " his not much of a talker she kept saying" and he just smiled all the time she said that.
The most powerful unspoken word they were saying to me without noticing were" LOVE" that is what it is, I mean she could finish any sentence he did not finish and would say it like he would,*twin saver moment*
They in this together and they know God will see them through.

This couple is blessed to the point where I saw a couple of media people coming to check out the rehearsal, I saw actors there and alot of gospel artist came just to see if all is well,wow I'm inspired.


23 FEBUARY 2013


Musicians I will be coming to performances or rehearsals to blog about you and to give people more information about you.
Every Thursday I will be posting about an artist or group and even our musicians.
Till next week Thursday, lets keep making good music.

contact me
facebook. Sinqobile Tshepzito Ndlovu

Thursday 17 January 2013


Every beginning of the year I go to fellowship at any church that hosts a convention to start the year on a devine note, this year I decided to fellowship at Change Bible Church,was the first time Ive attended their convention and oh  my goodness the excitement of being in that house of worship made me feel so blessed to be part of the convention. To be honest I thought it was gonna be an ordinary service where we sing then it is offering then the word then we go home. Since I didn't see the poster had no idea that they invited international speakers and that on its own got my attention, my mind was set " I will be attending this convention the whole week" with a big smile. One of the factors that drew me Even closer to the convention was the music and the artist who performed at the convention. Oh but wait I do not think it is appropriate to call it a performance at church, aah let me say ministered. Ladies and Gentlemen  present to you " The True Worshippers".

It was on a Tuesday evening 8th of January 2013 when for the first time I hear this man singing, usually I see him on posters as a guest artist but last Tuesday was the day I got to hear him. Like any artist being introduced to the audience with his work and achievements I rather expected to see an egotistical man who sees himself better then everyone, I mean for a person who has three albums and has travelled the world oh not to forget that he was part of the forever loved Soweto Gospel Choir. Tumelo Matlala the big man with a big voice,got on the stage and turned that big stage to be so small. He began his item with a worship song and got us to all teary some went down on their knees,you cold feel from his voice that this is a person who loves singing for the Lord, a worshipper who by his voice brings down the Holy spirit and touch lives.Tumelo's stage presence is different from most up and coming artists, his got that thing that makes you want to listen to him.After a wonderful worship song he sang a medley of choruses that's when I saw Tumelo get down on the stage, making people dance and everyone was joyous from that item  he left the stage while everyone was still enjoying the song he was singing,one question that poped into my mind "where has this guy been hiding?". Tumelo I want to see you at this years Gospel Crown Awards my brother and I wish you all the best for this year and I will be keeping tabs on you.

Wednesday 9th of January was yet another day where at the evening service there was an artist who came to minister and to my great surprise ZAZA was called to the stage,people started screaming as she was assending the stage ZAZA ZAZA ZAZA the crowed shouted, I stood up and with much anticipation waited for ZAZA to start singing. She got on the stage an dominated it, she made her own and made sure to the band and the backing team the she incarge and that they should follow her lead. WOW her stage presence is so strong that we felt as we were at the floor and the first words she uttered were HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH that on it's own changed the atmosphere to be a worship atmposhere. Then she started her item with the song we were first introduced to her from Joyous 12  'Namhla Nkosi', the crowd did not waste anytime and started singing with her,screaming their lungs out encouraging ZAZA to break into the next level of her worship,when she got to the chorus of the song one could not help but be in the spirit! They way she projects her voice to singing those high notes is what makes her different and powerful,you can tell she sings deep from her belly and that brings out the worshipper in her. I think I will take time attend one of her shows to get the full experience of worship with ZAZA,most of I would like to hear her sing a chorus rather than a worship song.This woman will be doing wonders ,watch the space.

With the great line up we had the past two days, I was really anxious to find out who would be ministering to us on Thursday the 10th of January.The introduction was made and when she was called up to the stage,the ever beautiful Mahalia Buchanan dressed in white took to the stage with her exquisite smile just brightening up the room,I turned to my partner and said that woman is beautiful! She is so humble and full of life with an accent that is rare to find, she is the type of person that you wonder is she South African or American? With me still puzzled about that, someone behind me shouted " I love that coloured woman from Joyous Celebration" lol. After she did her greetings and acknowledgements it was time to sing. She sang two beautiful worship songs of which one of them she sang on Joyous 16,she is a story teller with a warm voice that just sooths your spirit,calms you down and gets you to be in touch with your soul. The kind of voice that one would like to hear when going through a hard time saying" lift up your eyes unto the hills" ironic that she was wearing white cause that sounded like an angel singing to us. Unlike most artist who have that up in your face stage presence, Mahalia draws you to pay attention with her humility the type of character that says I have a message for you. She has an angelic voice that is not loud but grabs you attention. I have to say this, Mahalia is angel and I was there to see it for myself. I can't get over the worship she blessed us with,even recorded her singing, I was really blessed. I think if Mahalia were to release an album it would sell faster then you could say Mahalia, so come on miss Buchanan we waiting for your debut album,if not then give us a single.


On Saturday the 12 of January,the church held a free concert where a number of artists were invited to perform,but the last two acts caught my attention. The last artist was  getting off the stage and we were sitting waiting for the next artist to come on stage,as usual the band comes in and set up there instruments you know the works, to our surprise the hottest gospel band  this season took to the stage,if you don't know who I am talking about let me introduce them. Piano Nqubeko Mbatha, 2nd keys Siyanqoba Mthethwa, bass Bheka Mthethwa, guitar Devine and drums Sabu, these guys are HOTT jealous down and we all know it!

 Anyways they got on the stage to set up  and everybody got very excited because we knew we about to hear a totally different sound to what us regular church people are used to,get this thay will be performing live.oh yeah oh yeah* jumping up and down*.Next thing we saw was the ushering team surrounding the stage,this could mean one thing,but nah it can't be. The program director was not given a chance to finish, as soon as she said the first black S.A idols winner OMG the crowd went crazy I'm sure I saw a couple of girls fainting when Khaya Mthethwa took to stage. He came on stage with loads of energy and was rubbing it off unto the masses,opened his item with "Vula Vula Vula" the intro song he did on Joyous 16, he was chanting,jumping up and down he was all over the stage interacting with the crowd. Nobody wanted to sit down and miss an opportunity to see Khaya perform right in front of their eyes.

 To be honest I expected Khaya to entertain and drive the crowed crazy or even pull new tricks we don't know which was gonna make everybody go wow, that was not the Khaya who was there on that day. I saw Khaya the worshipper, a young man hungry for God and wanting to spread the word through song.He was Khaya the guy we saw praising the Lord with Joyous Celebration,no fancy staff just Khaya worshipping God. He changed the whole excitement atmosphere to a completely profound worship mood,his worship was saying it's all about God not Khaya Mthethwa, he sang so much that we forgot that Khaya Mthethwa was singing. Everything about him being on stage was authentic even quoted a couple of verses in between. I looked at Khaya and thought to myself, this the time that Gods people rise! We love you Khaya and we will keep supporting.#Team Christ

The last performance of the concert was Ntokozo Mbambo.This woman is taking gospel music to the next level, she is a true worshipper and a very anointed woman of God. Her voice,her stage presence,her songs wow really she is amazing beyond words. As I am writting about her I took a moment to clap for I am writting about a woman of God and I  am respecting her in her absence. Ntokozo Mbambo is the kind of artist when she gets on stage you just want to take a seat and listen to her singing,but that's impossible the minute she starts singing you just feel like singing along with her.She is calm on stage and conducts everybody with her voice,she is a diva and no one Can take that away from her. With title title of Queen of Gospel is taken I think  Princess of Gospel, she deserves this title. Her DVD is selling quite well and everywhere you go you hear someone playing her song and TV just loves playing her show. Ntokozo Mbambo congrats with the two awards you got at the Gospel Crown Awards I wish you the best for this year,may your album reach platinum and please give us the Metro award to if you nominated.*salute*

To Change Bible Church's music director Nqubeko Mbatha thank you Sir for arranging the music it was beautiful a week I will never forget in my life.To the band, you guys sounded really great and I totally enjoyed listening to you guys.The choir wow wow and wow, you sounded good from day one till the last day and you guys were dressed the part to.

Thank you Pastor Nzo

Musicians I will be coming to performances or rehearsals to blog about you and to give people more information about you.
Every Thursday I will be posting about an artist or group and even our musicians.
Till next week Thursday, lets keep making good music.

Wednesday 9 January 2013


The year 2012 was truly a year of achievement,growth and most of all new and greater heights.We saw alot of new artists getting in the music industry and making it big, some still trying to find their feet but never the less I applaud every artist who went out an made their dreams come true! Lets make 2013 a year of many awards if not atleast nominations, lets not forget to keep making good music and delivering what the fans want,if it's good then it's worth buying.

With all the amaizing shows I have attended,the cd recording of Themba Masina really caught my attention and  raised my eyebrows.We all knew Themba as a drummer who has over the years worked with heavy weights  of gospel music like Benjamin Dube,Keke and Neyi Zimu just to mention a few out of a long list of artists he played for.The question on everybody's mind is that will Themba be as successful as a singer as he is as a drummer? 


Themba's love for singing goes a long way before him being well known for his excellent drumming skills and being an inspiration to young boys who want to play drums.
His high pitch voice has a certain warmth to it that just makes one just get in the spirit, really is anointed like his mentor and spiritaul father Bishop Dube.It is true what they say when you spend time with someone, a bit of them rubs on to you and that led to Themba being named 'Thenjamin' what an honor to be named after your mentor.
The recording was so beautiful and the music was great,the band was well rehearsed and vocals where to amaizing for words.This was a totally  different Themba we use to seeing on stage,he was so energetic and his stage pressence made the crowd keep wanting more from him.He made us cry,dance and worship then to add to all the emotions he did a song with Benjamin Dube and that was just one of those moments where one became misty eyed and almost shared a tear.WOW

The album consist of twelve tracks which all will move you.My personal favourite is the last track where we saw Themba almost bringing the house down making everybody get their groove on.Lets go and get the album and support our local artist.I really can not wait for the dvd shoot for this album.
Congradulations Themba on your release and i wish you all the best with your album and your music career.

Musicians I will be coming to performances or rehearsals to blog about you and to give peolpe more inforamtion about you.
Every thursday I will be posting about an artist or group and even our musicians.
Till next week thursday, lets keep making good music.