Thursday 25 April 2013


This is a testimony of a man who dreamt, tried more than once, failed but did not give up on his calling.
We come across musicians who try just once and if it does not work out they just quit, funny how they suppose to be preaching the word but they do not live up to it. These are the times we  are hungry to be ministered to, and be led into worship and made a difference in our lives through music ministry; this is one man who possesses all the characters of being a true worshipper. For me this interview was more of learning and getting inspired, you know the kind of conversation where afterwards you just do an introspection about your life, your mission and most of all where do you stand with God. I am so blessed to be having a one on one with this Devine man of God.

Churchill Selatole is a God fearing man who carries with him a calling of ministering through songs and playing piano. This is a rare talent, to play piano, voice coach and compose songs, not all musicians have all these elements *this man is gifted*.

Churchill Selatole is a music minister who made his debut in 2004 releasing an album called face to face, and like many first timers it did not materialise to its full capability or even reach where he thought it would take him,” this was the my first attempt and of course it was not going to have much impact because I was still trying to break in the industry and had a lot of hopes and mistakes that made it not go far “ said Churchill.
 One would expect a bit of sadness from him but this is a man who knew his destiny and would not let it get him down.
He moved to Change Bible Church and became one of the worship leaders at church, “ for me this was the greatest things that ever happened to me, my eye was on the price and at this point God had brought me into a different environment where I could learn and grow become more lethal “ wow now our conversation was getting exciting and I just could not  help but listen intimately to how he was going to lay down his story of how God took him from one place to another, oh by the way this man can make a rock seem like a blessing in ones life. Then I thought here comes the big climax of his career, where he finally got that big break, “ in 2008 i thought this is the time the Lord wants me to release another album and this time i was sure it was it, The Evolution was the title and it was so close to my heart” said Churchill .
 I sat up straight waiting eagerly to hear this moment of glory story. “we went through the planning, we had good rehearsals and honestly speaking this was like in a dream, were all goes smoothly and there was no sign of failure in the picture”. I jumped in and asked so did you record? “ oh yes i did and the recording was beautiful, and we had a lot of fun and i was so ready to  present my latest work to world” said Churchill. Now i was getting even more excited. “ after the recording that is when all went bad, I had a fall out with the technical crew, and the guys who were recording just did not want to come in terms with me, it just all went wrong to the point i decided to let it go and just move on”. I was still in shock at the misfortune that Churchill went through, he simply smiled and said “ that is how my good career started.
I thought to myself what good can come out of such a disastrous situation, brother man I think this music thing isn’t working so well, how about you try something else? Hmmm

Churchill taught me something form here. “At this point i decided to go back to the drawing board and go down on my knees speak to the man that gave me the calling, how do I recover from this? How do I get back to doing what I’ve been called to do, because every time I try things just end up nowhere”? He then said  to me, “ my friend the first thing I had to do was leave my record label, it was a hard decision but it had to start there, record labels try to tune you into a certain sound or stir you in a specific direction where they think you would be more fruitful according to them. What I had in my heart and what my label wanted me to be oppose d my calling”. Wow that was brave, I mean lets face it record labels can take your career to the next level or take you from the top straight to the bottom, that is a fact!

The lesson began. “ I took a break from the industry for 5 years but still did the local concerts and ministered where I was invited. I took these years as learning and building a solid foundation of who i am as a minister in music. I will be honest a part of me had given up and I just told myself this is the end of my journey, in my mind there was no way I was going to bounce back from all the disappointments i had gone through said Churchill. At this point I felt how he was just so sentimental about his passed albums disappointment; I thought lets shift to a lighter note, so how did your wife take all of this? “God has blessed me with a woman who at my weakest point became my strength, my cheerleader and most of all my mentor. She always complimented me on my performances and would often say to me if you were to record that song it would go far, the love of my life.

Churchill then started telling me how he managed to bounce back to his A game. “ throughout  my 5 year break I had the privilege to work alongside with Nqubeko Mbatha, that man came in at the time when I was finding myself, he became an inspiration to me, he became my guider, you know that person who will always push you to reach your fullest potential and he always encourages me spread my wings as wide as I could. I remember he said this once to me, Churchill just because I do not try to get you to be part of Joyous Celebration does not mean you not good enough! Those words just made me want to work even harder. I learn a lot from Nqubeko even though his not aware but I actually pick up a lot from him. Throughout my learning I also had the privilege to work with pastor Solly Mahlangu and Tshepiso Motaung , at this point I was ready!

Now comes the rebirth of Churchill Selatole, a story through a song. “ this year I am planning to record my third album, but I first released a single to create that hype  so that people know what to expect in the album. This is going to be a life changing, soul reviving and motivation for people. My single titled “This is my season has already hit the shelves and people are receiving it very well, they love it. You find people as far as Durban who have heard it on radio asking where they can get the album.  The album will only be recorded in August and it will be a live recording, and if all goes well it will be recorded at my church Change Bible Church.  To add flavour to the album i will be using a band which I call my dream team
Piano; Sizwe Mashini or Bongane Nkosi
2nd keys; Thato Mthembu
3rd keys; Genuis
Drums; Ntokozo Mdluli
Bass; Tinyko Mathebula
Guitar; Trust Semende

This will be the band of the day, my dream team. Many people have got this mentality that if a recording is not done by band members of joyous celebration then its not good, these guys are the best and I believe they will make it happen. On that note I would like to feature my friend Khaya Mthethwa and my sister in the Lord Ntokozo Mbambo. These two people play a big role in my career and i would like to honour them by featuring them in my album.

In closure Churchill voiced out his appreciation, to my spiritual father pastor Nzo thank you dad, you have taught me so much ever since i became a member at your church. Nqubeko Mbatha you are an inspiration to me and i thank God for you brother. My beautiful wife the love I have for you, will never be compared to anything or anyone, I love love you so much Mrs Selatole. To my fans and friends thank you for the support and look out for my rebirth tour it started in April and will end in August. May God bless you all.

For bookings; Radical
Manager; 07806217702

Thursday 18 April 2013


There is a thin line between failure and success, which is hard work! Only those who work hard will be successful, and here is a young man who has worked hard to achieve or rather be on the path of success. Ladies and gentle man I present to you Sinikiwe Mabaso,*as I do this intro can’t help but applaud in the presence of this young man*
We all know him for his excellent drumming skills, his forever smiling and laughing self but there is more to the boy that I thought needed to be known, so I took it upon myself to get up close to the maestro himself.  This was just one fun filled interview which made me get stomach cramps I hope you will love and enjoy it.
Hello buddy please introduce yourself to the readers.
Hello readers, my name is Sinikiwe Mabaso, aka “Snikzo Pocket” lol. And I am a drummer, finally made it to this blog!
How old were you when you started playing drums?
I was 9 years old when I started exploring this great gift to mankind thing called drums. Professionally I started when I was 17 towards 18
Is being a drummer your first choice or it started as a hobby?  Rumour has it that you can sing.
Before answering the question he laughs for a while then he takes a deep breath and says “I use to sing in a school choir, don’t know if that qualifies as singing but yeah I did in high school, but to answer your question being a drummer is my first love.
Who inspired you to take that route and who taught you how to play?
I was inspired by pastor Bongani Shembe, seeing him on drums just made me want to play but honestly Themba Masina laid the foundation.
That means you play only gospel?
Versatility is the key in the music industry, that’s what I was taught. I would like to think I am not an all rounder yet but God willingly I will be.
Let’s talk Joyous celebration, you the new drummer?
I am Ire’s under study, but I’m part of the crew though I am the second drummer. I get people asking me why I wasn’t playing at carnival city so truth is told I’m second in command.
How does it feel like being part of Joyous Celebration?
It is amazing. It is one of the biggest stages I have played in and I am really learning a lot from everyone, Mr Lindelani Mkhize, Siya Mthethwa, the whole band even Ire, that boy is the in thing I tell you just wait and see.
Who would you say you look up to them in terms of drumming?
Locally I would say every hip young drummer really puts me on the edge, but when it comes to checking the old “ Kats” do it for me, I’m talking about the likes of Leagan Breda” being the first Leroy Sauls”, Sabu  Satsha “ my utmost best in gospel” Bafana Sukwene and the man who laid my foundation Themba Masina. Internationally Roland Bruner jr, George spanky, Marvin Mcquitty and Calvin Rogers
What is your advice to upcoming young drummers?
You can be what you want to be, work hard, practise, learn from each other and stop hating on one another. One more thing eat a lot of rascals, you will be the best.
If you were to be endorsed by any brand, which one would you like it to be?
I would like to be endorsed by Yamaha Drums, Sabian cymbals and Pro mark “pro round” sticks. That is where my sound is at.
Any last words you want to say before we end the interview?
To my parents I love you guys so much and I thank God for blessing me with such great guardians like you. To my friends, fans and those who always look out for me, I love you guys and I appreciate the love you give me. To God thank you for being God in my life. So when will I be interviewed again?

That was a great interview I had with Sinikiwe, his a funny young man but also has his head screwed on. Thank you so much for doing this interview man it was a pleasure interviewing you. Good luck with the future and hope to see more of you on the world stage.