Thursday 18 April 2013


There is a thin line between failure and success, which is hard work! Only those who work hard will be successful, and here is a young man who has worked hard to achieve or rather be on the path of success. Ladies and gentle man I present to you Sinikiwe Mabaso,*as I do this intro can’t help but applaud in the presence of this young man*
We all know him for his excellent drumming skills, his forever smiling and laughing self but there is more to the boy that I thought needed to be known, so I took it upon myself to get up close to the maestro himself.  This was just one fun filled interview which made me get stomach cramps I hope you will love and enjoy it.
Hello buddy please introduce yourself to the readers.
Hello readers, my name is Sinikiwe Mabaso, aka “Snikzo Pocket” lol. And I am a drummer, finally made it to this blog!
How old were you when you started playing drums?
I was 9 years old when I started exploring this great gift to mankind thing called drums. Professionally I started when I was 17 towards 18
Is being a drummer your first choice or it started as a hobby?  Rumour has it that you can sing.
Before answering the question he laughs for a while then he takes a deep breath and says “I use to sing in a school choir, don’t know if that qualifies as singing but yeah I did in high school, but to answer your question being a drummer is my first love.
Who inspired you to take that route and who taught you how to play?
I was inspired by pastor Bongani Shembe, seeing him on drums just made me want to play but honestly Themba Masina laid the foundation.
That means you play only gospel?
Versatility is the key in the music industry, that’s what I was taught. I would like to think I am not an all rounder yet but God willingly I will be.
Let’s talk Joyous celebration, you the new drummer?
I am Ire’s under study, but I’m part of the crew though I am the second drummer. I get people asking me why I wasn’t playing at carnival city so truth is told I’m second in command.
How does it feel like being part of Joyous Celebration?
It is amazing. It is one of the biggest stages I have played in and I am really learning a lot from everyone, Mr Lindelani Mkhize, Siya Mthethwa, the whole band even Ire, that boy is the in thing I tell you just wait and see.
Who would you say you look up to them in terms of drumming?
Locally I would say every hip young drummer really puts me on the edge, but when it comes to checking the old “ Kats” do it for me, I’m talking about the likes of Leagan Breda” being the first Leroy Sauls”, Sabu  Satsha “ my utmost best in gospel” Bafana Sukwene and the man who laid my foundation Themba Masina. Internationally Roland Bruner jr, George spanky, Marvin Mcquitty and Calvin Rogers
What is your advice to upcoming young drummers?
You can be what you want to be, work hard, practise, learn from each other and stop hating on one another. One more thing eat a lot of rascals, you will be the best.
If you were to be endorsed by any brand, which one would you like it to be?
I would like to be endorsed by Yamaha Drums, Sabian cymbals and Pro mark “pro round” sticks. That is where my sound is at.
Any last words you want to say before we end the interview?
To my parents I love you guys so much and I thank God for blessing me with such great guardians like you. To my friends, fans and those who always look out for me, I love you guys and I appreciate the love you give me. To God thank you for being God in my life. So when will I be interviewed again?

That was a great interview I had with Sinikiwe, his a funny young man but also has his head screwed on. Thank you so much for doing this interview man it was a pleasure interviewing you. Good luck with the future and hope to see more of you on the world stage.

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