Wednesday 5 February 2014




There is always this one actuality we always fail to spot as music lovers, looking at an artist and his or her music and say “what a great musician or what a great album” forgetting that the album is also made a success by both the artist and musicians behind him or her. My attention was caught by Thembinkosi Manqele one of the most recommended tenors in the music industry. This is a mission I took upon myself to go back and research about this young man and find out what makes him so good. In building my own opinion I did not interview him, I collected all the tracks or albums where he was backing to try get the feel of his flair. It is my pleasure to write about Thembinkosi Manqele.

The first clip I found was a recording of a rehearsal two years back where Thembinkosi was backing Sindi Nene, it was not gospel but hey I was on a mission so for the first research it will do. Sindi had only two backers of which were both male and guess what, Thembinkosi was singing the high pitch part. Excitingly wanted to hear how strong his voice was so I pumped up the volume on my head set. One would ask how I knew he had the high pitch, well in the clip, there was a little break where they were fixing the backing so yeah that’s how I knew his part. Alright that was that now time to move on to the next clip and songs.

This one was going to be interesting, Thembinkosi backing Uche, have seen Uche live so I think his musical arrangements are a bit complex so this would really give me a feel of the tenor being tested. First and foremost Thembinkosi has a mellow voice, the type of voice that is so enliven, like he just had a “smoothies” to make it so sweet. He maintains his volume so well even when the song goes up to the next modulation. I got goose bumps listening to this virtuous voice, its “common yet rare” the type you actually find only in those who studied music. Now I’m getting excited and moving on to the next songs.

Hold on Thembinkosi is Sipho Manqele’s younger brother, I’m sure his big brother had played a role in Thembinkosi getting into the music industry. Well I  was curious so I had to find out how all this began, picked up my phone and started asking around if anybody knows where this young man comes from and how did he get to where he is now. After a lot of asking around I have found out that Thembinkosi comes from a singing family and to top it off his dad is a pastor back home in KZN, which means this started at an early age for him, no formal singing education what so ever, this is a God given talent which was polished along the way. Another great revelation I got is that this brilliant singer is also a drummer! Question to musicians, most drummers are good singers, where are the pianists, bass players and guitarists? Salute. His first break was given to him by his friend Sizwe Magwaza, who actually brought him to Johannesburg from KZN to try out his singing up here. Can somebody please hook me up with Sizwe Magwaza? he seems to have helped a lot of singers. Really would love to get into singing.

Recently saw the gospel classics and Thembinkosi has been backing there for the past two seasons, and his held it down quite well. As we see different artist being guests and backing them, this show Thembinkosi’s flexibility and how easly he can adopt to different styles of singing ranging from traditional to jazz, urban and gospel RnB.  The more styles you can sing the more jobs you get, this is evidently a talented young man and he deserves much credit.

Than shortly after that I saw him with Dominion, doing backing vocals for them, and I still say this man is going far with his singing, even though it’s a group effort he still stands out. Then there was backing for Ntokozo Mbambo, yes he was there and yet along with the other two guys the tenor held it down well. The one show he really stood out for me was doing backing for Nqubeko Mbatha along with his brother Sipho Manqele, what a great duo those two make, making it look so easy and actually make you want to do it. Found myself with a spoon backing with them, really was a bundle of joy to listening to the brothers.

Not all of us will be in the fore front, and some of us are born to carry out a vision than leading it. Thembinkosi’s attitude is the same to every job he does, forever smiling and making everybody laugh with his eyes set on the goal. We need to celebrate such people since they make sure we get the best for the money we spend going to shows. Ladies and Gentlemen Thembinkosi Manqele.








Tuesday 14 January 2014



My first encounter with this young talented musician was him being featured by a group called Zeal, and to be honest at first he didn’t really impress me. I just saw a Tonex want to be, and which for me was a “been there done that, let’s move on” attitude towards him.  I’m sure he must have read my mind because it happened that I bump into him again during the preparations for the JOY OF JAZZ, and this time he sort of got my attention and I was hungry to actually hear what this boy is all about. My curiosity was finally satisfied when I officially heard Mnqobi singing at some show I attended, that was the day I gave him a standing ovation and I had to write about this talent which is about hit South Africa with a hurricane of melodic magnitude. What an honour it was for me to speak to Mnqobi Nxumalo.


Mom used to make us sing a lot as a family, whether you wanted to or not and it became more of a lifestyle to us. They would gather together as elders of the house around her sewing machine, sometimes she played guitar with her friends from church. I started in school doing backings for artists, than got heavy in production when I got to tertiary. I then took it outside the house where I started singing at revivals, that is where I got introduce to the stage and have been on that stage since then till today. I am a self taught musician with no formal musical qualification.


I would like to think that I am having a progressive break, level by level. I’m still breaking in even now but the first big one has to be when a friend of mine Sizwe Magwaza took me to a production company in Northcliff and the Executive Producer undoubtedly took interest and invested in my work.

2011 I released my first debut album titled ‘’ He’s a wonder’’.  I am currently working on my second album and I decided not to time frame it because it so much more complex than my first one but definitely this year I will release it. I do not want to put myself under pressure because it’s going to compromise my quality.


Well Mr Mkhize has always had an ear for my music, so one day he contacted me and told me to come through. The Joyous experience is a lot of fun while you learn a lot, and being there is more like reuniting with family for me as I have worked with some of the members at Joyous, I’ve known some of them way before we got there. On Joyous 18 I sing a song there called ‘’ Angeke ngisuke’’.


I once had a chance to work with Juanita Bynum and Jarion Hamm. I also had an opportunity to work with Byron Cage but I had to cancel two days before the gig due to being sick and voiceless.


This happened when I just joined Joyous and was before the Rewind recording, my doctor had instructed me not to sing for a few months but because of the  love I have for what I do, I just soldiered on even though I struggled till the day of the recording but I made it through. As an artist your voice being threatened is the worst thing that could ever happen to your career.





By faith I wish to leave S.A and go work overseas, I work better abroad than I do here at home sadly. Before I leave I would like to have my own production hub. This year I want to do a show, actually I will do it because I feel it is long overdue. HARD WORK for me this year to reach the next dimension of my career, and definitely be the best of me.

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