Wednesday 12 June 2013


It is not everyday I get to spend a day with one of SA's most loved musician, on top of that be allowed to watch rehearsals of the up coming DVD recording. Ladies and Gentlemen my day with Nqubeko Mbatha.

Upon my arrival at the rehearsal venue the atmosphere was so musical, the warmth of the music just got me all keyed up to listen to what was going to be the supreme musical experience of my life, this is the kind of vibe any musician would love to be in. First thing I wanted to see was the band and to my revelation it was not the usual guys I expected to see. It is a 9 piece band with a brass section included*oh wow* this is going to be interesting to watch!
Then the music started, at this point my expectations were a lot of arrangements complicated and not easy for anyone, at the back of my mind this Nqubeko Mbatha I’m sure he will be exquisite. First bar while I was getting ready to write, the sound of the music made me put my pen down and listen, my spirit was ushered to the show imagining myself in the crowd and hearing all these beautiful sounds coming collectively and being made one. I am talking about a nine piece band, sounding like one, like a symphony, is that even possible. I have been to many rehearsals but this was my first real encounter with real live music, I was blown away at how first-class South African music can sound so good.
This was a totally different Nqubeko we know from Joyous Celebration, He sounds fully fledged musically, like he was preparing himself all these years for this day.  A worshipper, expressing his soulful gratitude about God in his life through music, this is not an ordinary man singing songs, tell you I was there he was lead by the spirit and anointing was filled all over the room.
My long awaited album recording is finally going to take place on Saturday on the fifteenth of June, and I am really excited to be going through this journey after such a long time. I have been asked a number of times when my next release was and it is finally going to come about this Saturday. I did not want to rush into it because after my first album I wanted to grow both as a musician and spiritually and after all these years I feel it is time. The lovely thing about all of this is that I waited upon the Lord to lead me into the time where he thinks I’m ready, and I tell you everything has gone according to his will and way. My show was sold out a month before the show and I still have people who want to tickets  but unfortunately there aren’t available anymore and to top it off the Theatre does not have extra space where people can stand  so if you don’t have a ticket I am afraid you won’t be able to see the show.
This recording will be different from all the work I have ever done before, it is going to be Nqubeko being intimate with God and also me interacting with my fans, also of which it is going to be the first time for me. I really enthused out my comfort zone like normally you would find me with a microphone stand on the piano and I sing while playing, in this recording it will be more of me on stage away from the piano interacting with the audience but of course there are some songs I will be playing piano. Amongst that there are going to be a few surprises I have for my fans that they do not usually see about me.
On the playlist of my show I will be singing fresh new songs that I have composed myself and also for the first time I will be singing a Sotho song composed by my brother in Christ Churchill Selatole. At the show I will be featuring three artist who are really close to my heart NTOKOZO MBAMBO, KHAYA MTHETHWA and my sister.

I wanted to bring in the guys that I personally know they can deliver when it comes to playing, but what you hearing right now the guys have gone beyond the usual standards and gone the extra mile. My pianist will be Sbu Mnguni, people know him as the organ specialist at Joyous Celebration and people will be amazed to hear how good he is on piano. Sabu will be my drummer, I actually had to wait for him to come back abroad for this recording, I can’t leave Sabu behind he is more than just a drummer to me. Sabelo Masondo he is my utmost favourite bass player and we come a long way. Tsoro Mavuso who produced my first album one of the people I know I can never leave him behind. Devine does justice to the guitar, the maestro of all of this sound. A new guy I just  met through Xoli Thabethe and I love how he plays his name is Lebo from Pretoria. Then i have my brass section and I love how these great men are delivering the music. I have the band that I want and it will happen.
The Back Vocals
I have wonderful musicians that sound on form and they are making the music sound so beautiful and I thank God for them.
The Support
My Pastor (pastor Nzo) my church my friends and family
My fans i love you guys thank you for supporting
My wife always being there
My manager Thulani
May God bless all of you, each one of you has a special place in my heart.
Guys be routed in one church, don’t jump from one church to another. Be the kind of musician who puts God first then being a musician, attend prayer meetings, take out tithes and be a faithful servant.
Rehearse and always try to improve in all areas of your playing
Never think you are there yet, keep practising.
Forget bad critics, never try to prove yourself to anyone, be the best you want to be.
Lastly the gift you have is from God, and never forget that.

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